Future Trend in Medical Treatment -
Inducement of the Body's Natural Healing Power
The other day I had an interesting conversation with a friend now living comfortably in
retirement. This friend had earlier been successfully treated with my organic germanium
compound and had become a firm believer in its efficacy. For many years he had been from
had been ringing in the ears, and although various medical cures had been attempted, he had
gained little relief. Treatment with organic germanium, however, completely healed his ailment,
and furthermore, his general health showed a most remarkable improvement. In fact, one
would hardly suspect that this healthy gentleman had already lived over 70 years, Borne out
of a philanthropic spirit and on the basis of his own experience, he decided to use my organic
germanium Compound (without infringing on any pharmaceutical regulations) to help other
people suffering from incurable diseases. Not surprisingly he has been a very successful in his
efforts, much to the gratitude of' large number of people.
My friend had this to say. "Rather than being similar to modern is more pharmaceutical
medicines. this organic germanium compound like one of the traditional Chinese medicinal
herbs. I have used it to treat a number of different illnesses, and have found its healing effect
to be more constitutional than allopathic that is, it acts on the body as a whole rather than on
any specific symptom. "To put it more simply, your organic germanium cures diseases by
inducing the body's own natural healing powers. I am convinced that by increasing the flow of
oxygen, organic germanium stimulates latent natural healing powers existing in the human
body, thereby resulting in a very effective cure of any illness."
From the way in which various diseases had been cured by organic germanium treatment,
I too, had become aware of a rather close link between the action of organic germanium and
natural healing processes in the body. However, at that time, I had very little idea of just what
these healing powers were, or how they were to be described in scientific terms.
Another interesting visitor came to me some time afterwards, this time an elderly medical
practitioner who had become familiar with acupuncture. He told me that the scientific
principles behind acupuncture anesthesia had recently been brought to light, and that more
conventional pain suppression anesthetics, such as morphine etc. will no longer be needed in
surgical operations. Furthermore, he continued, patients can be relieved of pain for up to 27
hours and suffer no side effects. Postoperative progress of the patient also seems far better
than after the use of conventional anesthetics.
In brief, recent research has shown that when acupuncture needles are applied to what are
known as tsubo in Oriental medicine, the pituitary gland secretes a peptide hormone called
beta-endorphin (which consists of 91 amino acids in a 61 to 91 amino acid sequence)
resulting in a strong pain suppressing effect. The tsubo vary according to where the operation
is to be performed. Three acupuncture needles are inserted precisely at the required
positions, and after 15 to 20 minutes the desired anesthetic effect is achieved. Since the
anesthetic agent is an autogenic anesthetic produced in the body, there are no undesirable
side effects, and postoperative recovery is rapid. However, the doctor continued to say that
since these tsubo and other facets of acupuncture are not acknowledged in Western medicine
and are not included in university medical courses, this excellent anesthetic practice is not
generally employed.
It dawned on me as I listened that this anesthetic action is very similar to the action of my
organic germanium compound. On being given 3 to 4 grams of organic germanium cancer
patients literally writhing in pain have found relief in 15 to 20 minutes. Time and time again, I
have witnessed terminal stage cancer patients find release from their torment as if by magic,
and be allowed to finally pass from this world in peace.
Pain is a form of warning passed from the troubled area to the brain by means of an
electric charge relay mechanism along nerve cells. It is only "signal" reaches the brain that we
actually feel pain. Anesthetics. such as morphine, prevent us from feeling pain by interrupting
this electric charge relay temporarily by chemical action.
Germanium. on the other hand was initially thought to interfere with the electric charge
relay process due to its semiconductor properties. and this action quite possibly takes place.
However , it also seems reasonable that the introduction of a pseudo morphine anesthetic
agent called called "endorphin is stimulated in the body by germanium in much the same way
as by acupuncture needles. This proposition is certainly supported by the results of
experiments on laboratory animals using organic germanium. The color and luster of hormone
secreting the thyroid and adrenal glands are considerably improved, while the animals' hair
becomes glossier, giving the animals a rejuvenated appearance.
In clinical cases, too, germanium has been very effective in the treatment of a number of
diseases caused by adrenaline inadequacies, including enlargement of the prostate gland,
cancer of the breast and uterine cancer, goiter and uterine mvoma, etc. It would thus appear
germanium compound has a kind of electro-biochemical action quite unlike the effect of
conventional pharmaceuticals. For example example, germanium increases the amount of
oxygen transported by hemoglobin in the red blood cells. The supply of oxygen to tissue cells
is thereby increased. resulting in greater cellular activity. This in turn can be assumed to be
responsible for various other biochemical processes in relation to cell membrane potential.
The pseudo morphine agent "endorphin" referred to earlier is a peptide hormone secreted
from the hypothalamus in the brain, and is thought to be stimulated by the germanium
To think that Oriental medicine that has its origins some 3,000 years ago discovered an
anesthetic procedure, which has now been substantiated by modern science, is exhilarating to
say the least! I can only marvel at the wisdom of the ancient Chinese and the systematic
development of their knowledge of medicine.
At present, however, the focus of world attention has been turned to the "wonder
medication " interferon. The existence of this substance was first brought to light more than 20
years ago, and is considered one of the most significant medical discoveries since penicillin,
particularly where cancer treatment is concerned. However, just what kind of substance
interferon is, and how it works, remain very difficult questions to answer.
To put it as briefly as possible, when an infectious virus enters the human body, tissue cells
commence to secrete interferon (a glycoprotein with a molecular weight of about 40,000) to
protect the cells from the viral infection. In addition, there is also an increase in the number of
macrophages (one of the leucocytes involved in the removal of cells) for greater effectiveness
against cancer cells.
Clinical test with interferon have produced excellent results. So much that pharmaceutical
manufacturers have started to worry that that their more conventional products will become
obsolete. It should be noted here, however, that interferon is not a new drug - it is a
substance produced in the human body, whose natural healing powers have been harnessed
That famous doctor Robert Koch is quoted as saying, "The best substances formed
naturally by the human medicines are those body." It seems he was forecasting the discovery
of interferon, Although was discovered, and its significance understood, more than 20 years
ago, there are several reasons why it has not been used greatly. First, large scale cell cultures
are required which are very difficult to grow. Secondly, since the amount of interferon
obtained is very small, little has been learned about its chemical structure. Although it has
been found to be a glycoprotein, its molecular sequence and its biochemical action in the
human body have still not been studied sufficiently, Thirdly, nothing is known about how
interferon is produced in the cells, and fourthly, interferon is unbelievably one gram costing
more than $100,000.
At present, this wonder working substance, interferon, has still not been synthesized in the
test tube. Only live cells are capable of its production, and furthermore, the only interferon
which is effective in the human body is that which is produced by human cells.
As the synthesis of interferon is practically impossible, and there seems little likelihood of
any suitable method for production being developed in the near future, it has been proposed
that the same result might be obtained by somehow inducing the production of interferon from
living cells in the human body. Consequently, a number of researches have attempted to
force the secretion of interferon by stimulating the cells with various toxic substances.
However, although this method does in fact stimulate the cells to secrete interferon, the
stimulating reagents are invariable toxic, and cannot be used for medical purposes.
During my own research. I have often paid attention to matters relating to the electric
charge on cell membranes. Apparently the very nature of cancer cells, for example, is
changed by alterations in the cellular membrane potential. Nobel prize winner Prof.. Albert
SzentGyorgyi has put forward similar ideas based on electro-biochemical concepts. My
germanium compound is an organic compound containing atoms of the semiconductor
element germanium. The semiconductor property of the germanium atoms enables this
compound to bring about changes in electric charge ( as can be seen in the dehydrogenation
and super oxidation effects.)
From the above suppositions it is postulated that it is this change in membrane potential of
the cancer cells that results in the stimulation of interferon production. Supporting evidence
for this postulation is presented in the accompanying diagram.
Throughout this book I have explained the basis of an organic germanium compound
exhibit solely on the basis of an increase in the amount of circulating oxygen in the body. This
explanation, however, is inadequate. To be sure, the dehydrogenation effect in the body is
certainly an advantage in various medical treatments. However, with the discovery of the
induced production of such a powerful weapon as interferon in the suppression of diseases
and particularly the elimination of cancer cells. I felt an overwhelming sense of conviction that
I was moving closer to the truth.
Modern Western medicine is based on an allopathic approach (i.e. treating symptoms as
each calls for attention.) Cancer resistant agents are typical examples, but these agents
involve undesirable side effects resulting in the considerable recent controversy about
iatrogenic diseases (diseases caused by medical treatment.)
I think it would be quite proper to call interferon a "natural healing substance," In contrast
to anticancer agents, interferon is produced within the body in order to protect the body
from disease, It is designed to support life, and does not, therefore, result in any undesirable
side effects in other parts of the body. Furthermore, my organic germanium compound,
which induces the production of interferon, is also completely nontoxic and free of side
effects. In this sense, it is very similar to traditional Chinese medicines.
Another interesting fact which should be considered here is that just as acupuncture fails to
affect some people (i.e., no anesthetic action) germanium, too, on rare occasions fails to
induce the secretion of any quantity of interferon. Although the reason is not easy to explain,
my observations of clinical cases where organic germanium has been employed tends to
make me believe that this phenomenon is due to acidosis of the blood which is a result of loss
of a proper acid/alkaline balance.
I would like to state my belief that the induced production and secretion of interferon by
organic germanium, and of endorphin by acupuncture, establishes a scientific basis for
Oriental medicine. Chinese medicinal herbs invariably contain high levels of germanium. and
furthermore, it is also possible that these herbs also contain other compounds that induce the
production of other interferon like substances in the body.
In acupuncture, stimulation via the tsubo results in the increased production and secretion
of endorphin which in turn results in a healing effect. In moxa cautery treatment, the toxic
components resulting from the thermal decomposition of protein under the scorched portion
of skin are passed into the bloodstream, and subsequently induce the production of interferon
in the tissue cells. Both endorphin and interferon are types of hormone, each closely related
to the other. Living beings have been endowed with these natural healing substances for self
preservation purposes.
I believe future medical treatment will be centered around the use of these and similar
substances. The basic concept is expressed as "Sho" in Oriental medicine, "Gesamtheit" in
German, and "holistic" in English. On this basis, the amount of circulating oxygen which is so
essential to life is increased to strengthen the body's defense against the cause of a disease,
and the production of the powerful weapon interferon is also increased to join in the fight
against the pathogen.